Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is it March yet?

I don’t know what is wrong with me (or maybe what is right?), but whenever fall closes in I start feeling down and immediately start counting the months and days to the next summer; the thought of migrating south haunts me constantly. I get excited in the winter when I hear words like "March Madness", "April fools' " or "Cinco de Mayo". Does everybody feel the same?
I always feel like I live in the summer and hibernate in the winter. I am not a wave surfer nor an ice cream man; that's not why I crave the summer. My bitching starts with the first falling leaf and ends with the beautiful DC cherry blossom. It could be part of the endless search for serotonin which I assume has hit an all-time low all around the world with the exhaustingly, increasingly demanding life style that we all live in nowadays.
I've met a lot of people who like winter in this area and, in my mind, it's due to body fat! The bigger the person the more they like winter according to the poll conducted by my brain. You are saying now  “Na-Ah that was not nice”  Well, I don’t care.. THAT'S WHAT THE POLL SAID!!