Saturday, November 20, 2010

HARRY POTTER ?!? I just don't get it

A couple of days ago two colleagues of mine one is in his late fifties and one is in his late twenties were so excited while checking Harry Potter's last movie preview and they both talked about how they can't wait to watch it and I know they are not the only ones. Millions of people are waiting to see this movie just like they did with its previous parts. I have seen a few minutes of Harry Potter here and there on TV and the only thing I see is that this movie/story is for kids and kids only. I think adults who enjoy watching it are either shallow or didn't have a good childhood. Same goes for the very famous Lord of the Rings which my wife and I left the theater after watching half of it feeling very silly and in an effort to stop time wasting.
While riding the metro I see adults wearing very professional clothes going to/ coming from work holding their precious Harry Potter book. From a distance you think from their serious look that they are reading a book about the freakin recession that we are in,  and all I can think about is going towards them shaking the hell out of them screaming WAKE UP YOU ARE NOT A KID ANY MORE!!!
But after all who am I to judge?

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